MTL - Mangueiras Técnias Lusogomma Lda. is a company founded in 2007 especialized in industrial hose commerce, serving national and international markets such as Angola, Mozambique, Cape Verde, Brazil, Egypt, among other countries.
As representatives of renowned international brands and direct importers of European factories like MERLETT, GAMBIT, THOR, IVG, among others, we guarantee a fast and certificated answer to our clients.
We sell equipment and accessories to industrial and agriculture or construction-based businesses.
Product range;
Industrial hoses;
Union material;
Rubbers and pavements;
Hydraulic tubes;
Protection material;
PVC tubing and hoses;
Signage and
Work uniforms.
MTL Lusogomma's objective is to offer quality, reliability and durability in its products, keeping an eye on technological innovations that markets have to offer and thus building strong, dynamic and safe solutions, acting as an active collaborator in the growth and competitivity of its clients in various businesses.